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This isn't just a book.
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This isn't just a book. This isn't just a book.

It’s a tool for creating safer homes and lives, inviting you to take charge of your living space and embrace a healthier way of life.
About me

As a home inspection pioneer...

I’ve developed nationally recognized evaluation forms and embraced innovation with cutting-edge instruments.

This book is a beacon of knowledge, unraveling the complexities of ailments linked to poor air quality, toxins in our homes, and subpar building practices. Discover insights on allergies, asthma, diseases, and more, becoming a “House Whisperer” armed with the tools for positive change.

My four-decade journey as an engineer, expert witness, and home inspector enriches these pages with case studies and findings. From hidden dangers uncovered by infrared cameras to optimizing sleep for a bolstered immune system, this book guides you toward a healthier life.

By the final page, emerge as a “House Whisperer,” empowered to craft a harmonious and healthy living space. This isn’t just a book; it’s a tool for creating safer homes and lives, inviting you to take charge of your living space and embrace a healthier way of life.

Marko Vovk


Inside the Book:

Embark on a journey with me as we unravel the intricacies of indoor environments in “Home Wellness Unveiled.” In the opening chapters, we gain insight into the often unnoticed world of particle pollution, understanding its origins and how it seeps into the air we breathe. Discover how our homes significantly create this pollution as we explore daily activities and building materials that impact indoor air quality.

Our exploration extends to a comprehensive examination of common indoor contaminants, shedding light on the pollutants that may silently affect your health. From the structural bones of your home to its protective layers, learn how each element contributes to the overall well-being of your living space.

Safety is paramount, and in the chapter on “House Safety,” we equip you with essential knowledge on emergency protocols and preventive measures. Dive into the fascinating world of pests and insects in “Cides,” understand their impact on air quality, and gain insights into effective prevention strategies.

We then turn our attention to invisible threats, exploring the dangers of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Navigate the mechanical systems that regulate your home environment, gaining insights into HVAC, plumbing, and other components.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) take center stage as we uncover their sources and ways to reduce exposure. Explore the role of water and its impact on your home, and unravel the complexities of electrosmog, learning practical steps to minimize exposure to electromagnetic fields.

In a surprising twist, we discuss the relationship between stress and your indoor environment, providing strategies to create a stress-reducing home atmosphere. Recognizing that every home is unique, “Different Strokes For Different Folks” offers personalized insights and strategies based on diverse living situations.
The bibliography provides a gateway to further exploration as we wrap up our journey. Join me in creating a healthier, safer, and more harmonious living space—because your home deserves to be a sanctuary.

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